5:45 P.M. Ate Beth, a self-confessed fan who opted to share her services
with the family, met us at the lobby. As my mom and I were ushered
into the living room, I could hardly take in my surroundings as my
excitement soared to its greatest heights. My fears were unfounded
as a smiling, expectant Donna greeted us warmly. She was exquisitely
adorned in a red flowered maternity dress. Her pregnancy agrees with
her, as her cheeks bloomed with health and her long hair with wisps
of golden brown suited her beautifully. She immediately set out to
make us comfortable and as we eagerly scanned her wedding pictures,
she promised to give us a special tour of their house.
Donna exudes a happy glow that is amazingly obvious. She assures
us that she is pleasantly satisfied with the quiet life she leads
in Cebu. For someone who grew up in the eyes of the public, she seems
to thrive in the unassuming life she leads with her husband Yong.
whose absence was missed during our visit. She smilingly relates that
the place has done wonders for her asthma, which seems to have disappeared
since she stepped foot in Cebu. She keeps busy by helping out in the
administration office of her parents-in-laws’ building, while she
eagerly awaits the arrival of her first-born child. Donna is currently
enrolled in a home-study program and she hopes to experience proper
school life probably after she gives birth to her baby or when she’s
on her third year. Our timely visit coincided as she didn’t have classes
that night.
Donna describes her quiet life in Cebu as idyllic, as she is cared
for by all those around her, especially her husband. She lauds the
beauty of Plantation Bay, where we were lodged for the duration of
our stay, and claims that she and Yong likes to visit there as well.
Donna escorted us for a tour of their house, and she proudly declares
that the stylish yet unpretentious decoration may be credited to her
and Yong’s efforts at making their home liveable. Their humble abode
boasts of three rooms: a guestroom, an exercise room where magazine
pictures of Donna are on display, and plastered on the other side
are Yong’s certificates of glory. Equally impressive in its elegance
is their bedroom, where an antique four-poster bed takes up a portion
of the room. A vanity table, a gift given by her husband , and Yong’s
study table are neatly arranged at facing corners. Donna gamely faced
the cameras again for a souvenir photo, unfortunately the film seems
to have evaporated into thin air, much to the consternation of my
Donna swears that she has no plans of going back to making movies
in the immediate future, as she plans to give her family her undivided
attention. All is not lost, as she happily tells me, because she has
just wrapped up an album for those who have missed her. She describes
that she even does a Demi Moore pose for the album cover with a chuckle.
Her sincere assurances that regrets never entered her mind with her
decision to marry and leave her world of limelight has been greeted
with calm acceptance. We parted ways that night with a shared hug
and a lighthearted smile,. As the evening drew to a close, I was deeply
touched by her openness and down-to-earth attitude, which has thoroughly
impressed my mom. As we sped our way back to the resort that night,
my mom and I were thankful to one Donna Cruz, for making our one and
only visit to Cebu as remarkably unforgettable.
Visiting with Donna is quite an experience for me, and I have Cheryl
to thank for that two wonderful episodes in my life. I am equally
thankful to Donna for receiving us with gracious warmth in her home.