Tin-tin, Tin's Cousin, & Donna (Ca., July 1998)Jiji, Cheryl and Donna (Manila, Jan 98)Jiji, Cheryl and Donna (Manila, Jan 98)

Welcome to our Online Community! The Donna Cruz Online Community is a very friendly, open, and supporting community that aims to unite and make you guys interact wherever you are! News and events and whatevers are emailed to each other.

This community wishes to establish bonds among all people who share a common denominator, that is, we all admire Doings! This is also a "trip down memory lane" wherein we can share whatever nice and funny encounters we have had, with or without Donna in it! =)

Its INTERACTION that will make this community a whole lot of fun! We will get firsthand information on when Chat Events will happen! And yes, Donna participates and sometimes initiates all Chat events! We also get to talk to other members for their Donna video collections, etc. Join now!

You are invited!
The next page that will appear is the online community, Donna Cruz and friends. This is a web-based email group that shares news and upcoming website events. Members of this group gets news earlier (it takes a week before we upload it to the website). Plus, you will be one of the first ones to get a glimpse of the upcoming album of Donna! Sign in and join the fun!
Ernesto (Green shirt) with some friends, in San Diego
Ernesto (in green shirt) with some friends and Donna.
Community Features
Yes, Get your free email! A Whopping 6MB mailbox storage, and a cool, proud to be pinoy email - @donnacruz.com. Sign up now and learn more!
Got a Phone? We've got the Ringtone!
Get the "Ikaw Pala Yon" ringtone FREE!
The Message Boards
Yup! Everyone, including Donna have been posting regularly to the message boards! The Message boards has 5 major sections: The General Boards, The Donna Friends in U.S. and Canada, The Donna Friends in Asia and Manila, The Donna Friends in Australia, and a special section for the DonnaCruz.com webteam (yes, the people behind this website!). Note: The message boards is temporarily disabled for now.
Send me my news!
Please enter your email address below and click the button to be able to receive news via your email.

Be notified of Chat events, Homepage updates, Free stuff, Donna's shows. Be a part of our growing email community! And yes, Donna is a part of it too!

wanna be a star?
Send your pictures (close up and whole body, full pose shots), demo tapes, and bio-data to:

Associated Artists Agency #12 C. Benitez Street, Centennial Place Unit 14, Quezon City, Philippines

Fax # (632) 413-8914
email: sskuan@viva.com.ph

NOTE: Please do not ask for "more details" or "more information" from Ms. Shirley Kuan. And please do not send "life stories". After they have read your bio-data, they will be in touch with you if their firm is interested. If they have not replied, or contacted you, consider your application has failed =(.

The Video Team
L-R: Jerome, Tams, Mark, Ybette and Cheryl
(Click to view a bigger picture)
L-R: Jerome, Tams, Mark, Ybette and Cheryl - The Video Tapes Team! =)
August 2000. The Video Tapes Team @ Fridays Makati.
If not for Tams' Video tapes we wouldnt have been able to form Channel[D] (TV) -- the section devoted to bringing you archived Donna Cruz appearances!.
L-R: Mark, Che, Tams, Jerome
(Click to view a bigger picture)
L-R: Mark (the encoder), Cheryl (the middle(wo)man, Tams (the source!), Jerome (Tam's bodyguard!!!) haha. Picture taken by Ybette (Cheryl's guardian angel)
We are the roadies
With Donna's Mom, Tita Yolly
April 15, 2000. The Donna SM Bacoor Mall Tour 5:00 P.M.
Ok so we have decided to drop by Donna's SM Bacoor Mall Tour because it is near our place (Las Pinas). The crowd was hella ecstatic when they got to see Donna again!

Top: Ria, Andrea (we just met them there!)
Bottom: Cheryl, Tita Yolly (Donna's Mom), and Baduj (the official photographer)

This was only the first of the series of Mall/TV shows that Donna has done last April. And of course, we are her loyal roadies. Cheryl (in white) is the official roadie driver-- whew nakakapagod ha!), Baduj (in stripes) is the bonggacious mega-photographer.
Jiji Visits Donna in Cebu!
July 27, 1999. Plantation Bay, Mactan, Cebu 5:00 P.M.
This date will forever be etched in my treasure chest of wonderful memories. As our hired car crept its way towards downtown Cebu, I was quite jittery. I felt that my excitement was perfectly justifiable, as my mom and I were on Our way to visit Donna Cruz, my longtime favorite singer and actress for all time. The fact that I was in Cebu for the first time to enjoy a nice, quiet vacation was totally eclipsed in the anticipated moment of meeting with Donna. [READ MORE]

Jiji, Cheryl , and Donna!
They came to visit Donna at her house last January of 1998.
Okay, okay, so we have promised to put a collage of all the active DonnaCruz.com Community members... We are going to place it online soon! Promise! It will be entitled, the Donna Cruz and Friends Spring/Fall/Winter Collection! =)

Donna signs autographs in San Diego

Chat Transcipts
Yes! You can get to chat with Donna online! Just stay tuned for future chat chedules/events to be held here in her homepage. In the meantime, you can read on the past 3 official chat events.... (Please be patient it might take a few mintes before it loads)

The 1st Marathon Chat
OcT 12, 1997 Sunday 9:00 pm

Donna's Online Bday
Feb 16, 1998 Monday 9:00 pm

After Wedding Chat
Nov 7, 1998 Saturday 9:00 pm
(The Disk where we stored the transcript crashed. Calling people out there who managed to save the transcript for this chat!)

Happy New Year 2000 Chat
January 13, 2000 4:30pm
Thanks to Mich for editing the chat, and all the other community members who have helped!

August 8 2000 Chat
August 8 , 2000 8:30pm
Thanks to Sheila for editing the chat, and all the other community members who have helped! Donna thanks everyone who has attended. "Sa uulitin!"!

*Special thanks to RG of RGSoft Interactive for recording and supporting us in facilitating the 1997 and 1998 chat sessions.
Community Member
"Distances" by Rodney Ronquillo
Rod, the composer, singer, songwriter, has just launched his own album! It is entitled "Distances" and will be formally launched on February 2000 in Canada. Visit his website for more details.

Rodney is just one of the most active and prominent member of the Donna Cruz & Friends Community. You can reach him via http://www.rodron.com or email him at rodney@donnacruz.com.
more pictures


Charles and his Donna encounter in San Diego.

Suprise, surprise!