DonnaCruz.com server time (US) is
February 18, 2025, 12:17 pm UTC. You are viewing the 1999 Phil Web Awards' Most Outstanding Website for Film/Celebrity. Thank you for your support for Donna in her Australian series of shows. Thank you Australia!
Welcome Home!
Welcome to the homepage of Donna Cruz, one of the Philippines' most talented singer and actress. First time here? Want to know more about Donna? Please take the Donna Refresher Course - A Quick Tour on Donna's Life, & Career.

Donna Up Close!
Get to know more about the person behind the star!

Donna & Music
The music discography of Donna! Get a load of real audio versions of her music.

TV - Channel [D] Missed Donna on TV? We have most of her interviews and TV guestings online.

The Movies
Information on all of Donna's movies plus her awards and citations!

Picture Perfect
The biggest Donna Cruz Images collection on the internet, PLUS exclusive access to photos scanned for us by Donna herself!

A wide array of listing of published articles and interviews about Donna.

Our Community!
Your place and my place!:) Interact with members and be among the first ones to get news and updates.

Archives Section
Past website features are stored in this page - we make sure you won't miss anything!

The Guestbook!
This is where you get to leave your message to Donna. 

The Wedding
Experience Donna & Yong's wedding as if you were actually there! 

What's up with Donna and how she spent her birthday...

"i celebrated my bday at shangri-la mactan resort. we stayed there overnight. we had dinner sa paparazzi. it was the most romantic night for me..."

Want to know how Donna celebrated her birthday? And what's up with her life now? She tells everyone via the messageboards.
Happy Birthday Doings! Happy Vday too!
Hey everyone, its Donna's 24th birthday on February 14, Valentine's day! Send your birthday and valentine wishes for her now!

Donna Cruz in AUS!
Donna, together with Geneva Cruz, performed 2 successful shows in Australia! DonnaCruz.com Australian correspondents John, Martin and Francine have documented the shows. [READ More!]

Donna and baby Ysabella's New TVC
Catch Donna and Baby Belle on their new TV commercial, for Progress Milk! It is usually shown on GMA-7 (Phil) and ABS-CBN (Phil). Also catch the song Donna recorded for Progress! Jazzy, light and very cool! We'll have all of these online pretty soon!
 Our Community
So you ask us, what's hot?
Donna in the Message Boards!
Donna believes in ghosts!, Donna answers fan who said she's a snob; Donna shares experiences; Donna answers questions as to who her favorite artists are; Donna gives advice! =) More and more questions are being answered directly by Donna (Doings) herself! So what are you waiting for? Visit the message boards!

87% : We want donna back!In the survey that we have posted for, a total of 1055 voters have logged in: 920 (87%) said Donna should come back to showbusiness; and only 13% said no. Plus, there are over 200 who have expressed their petitions! [READ MORE]

Free Email Address!
FREE email address!Free Donna Cruz dot com email! 6MB of storage! GO! >>
FREE Ringtones!
Got a Phone? We've got the Ringtone!
Get the "Ikaw Pala Yon" ringtone for FREE!
March 21, 2001
We apologize for the delays in sending your requested ringtone. As of now we still have a backlog of 800 ringtone requests. Please note that we would send it to all of you eventually soon. Thank you for your continued support. Your ringtone requests are stored on our servers.
Watch Channel [D]!

Watch Donna's Interviews, TV Guestings, and special performances online! GO! >>
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 ABOUT this website...
DonnaCruz.com (The Donna Cruz Homepage) is an independent web production of Inday@unforgettable.com with the generous help of a few, good loyal Donna Cruz fans and friends, and utmost 101% support and help from Ms. Donna Cruz herself; (P.S., Meet the WebTeam soon!) . All materials are owned by this site except for commercially copyrighted stuff (movies, songs, shows/interviews) which are exhibited for promotional purposes only. No copyright infringement is intended.

DonnaCruz.com - Proud of Donna Cruz, Proud to be Filipino.